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My Life in Beijing

Three years ago, I decided to go to Beijing for studying Chinese language only for one year. I entered Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) located in Wu Dao Kou, Haidian District. Technically, I only spent like 8 months there, 1 semester 4 months, and holiday around 2 months. I've always wanted to study abroad, but after finishing my Bachelor degree I lost my motivation to continue my study further, while studying English had been my option since I always wanted to go to experience that America life. But, while my English is not perfect, I found it quite a waste of money to spend so much for something that I could understand most of it. So, I decided to study Chinese language as they said the demand for people who can speak Chinese is high now. Here's some of the highlight of my life here in Beijing ! Pollution time in Beijing. The very first friend I made in Beijing. Chinese Calligraphy Class, this class was optional for every students. There's ev

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